...that old people are generally bigoted? I grew up in South London, and my memories of the place were that there were an awful lot of people who can only be summed up thus:...
Young mother Nicky Holloway was 'was horrified when she found a cigarette inside a McDonald’s Happy Meal she bought for her son': http://www.metro.co.u...l-came-with-cigarette True - any mother...
...to face the wrath of the UKIP. http://www.thisislond...-against-the-queen.do Seriously - what on earth is up with this party? At least Mr Wiffen has now been deselected as a candidate, but is he...
UKIP prospective MP for Ilford, Paul Wiffen has come up with a corker: http://news.bbc.co.uk...0/england/8609891.stm David Cameron referred to UKIP as "fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists...
Family finds out that their child has been assaulted by a paedophile maths teacher, and instead of going to the police, they demand (and get) £18,000 from him, which they use as a deposit on a...
Have a look at this story: http://www.dailymail....child-Streetview.html According to the report,"The photos...have sparked fears that paedophiles will have a new way to search for photos or...
Right now on TV, there's a programme which APPEARS to be suggesting that hard-working immigrants from Eastern Europe are happy to do jobs that workshy Brits shun. Can any of the dailymailers please...
I've got a big dream To get to the big time I'll make a big noise Do wonderful things I got a blue bird Outside my window Just like that bluebird I got wings That's the lyric and the singer sounds a...
The Daily Mail is a wonderful source for anti gay/black/Muslim stories - and we applaud the editorial staff for this. But a couple of days ago, there was a major story covered by not only the Mail,...
60's Gospel singer Al Green had a club hit with a new song (not 'Let's Stay Together') in the early to mid 80s. It was a proper full on dance track, but I can't find it listed on any of his greatest...
At lunch yesterday, a mate of mine told me something quite scurrilous about the Daily Mail. I've been trying to search online, but I can't find any evidence - perhaps someone here can help. Apparently...
There are many people calling for Muslims and blacks to be targetted for searches because of their ethnicity (recently highlighted in an article on the Daily Mail - "My White Middle-Aged Wife...
Does anyone know the artist/song on the latest T-Mobile advert. The only thing I could make out from the chorus was the repeated phrase "stay together". It's upbeat track that sounds vaguely...
Is it fair that Peter Robinson should be 'hounded out of his job by the media'? So he's married to a homophobic woman who looks scarily like Celine Dion and sleeps with men young enough to be her...
Whilst some wags are referring to her as the new Anita Bryant, this is a woman has been through what must've been a pretty traumatic time. Should the press lay off and give her a degree of sympathy?...