Can we have at look at this story: http://www.timesonlin...nd/article6934226.ece and ask why those who would rush to their keyboards condemning this young man, had he been black or Muslim, have been...
When I saw this on TV the other night, the bit with (38 seconds in) seemed a bit 'risque'. Is it sexist? Or is the problem that tonally, it doesn't fit with the rest of the advert? A small number of...
Should he be punished at all?
Is this another case of 'PC gone mad'? If so, what (if any) action should be taken?...
Today, the Daily Mail, the Sun a couple of senior army personnel and Richard Littlejohnhave decried the BNP. Littlejohn writes: Don't forget, even though he leads a party of little more than a few...
The Royal British Legion have requested that BNP lead Nick Griffin desist from wearing poppies, because of their policy of "being scrupulously above the party political fray". Why do you...
Peter Hain has warned that the BBC could face legal action over it's invitation to Nick Griffin to appear on 'Question Time' because at the moment it's constitution renders the party illegal under...
Shouldn't this have stopped happening by now: or aren't we as 'hip and tolerent' as...
Will this story finally put to rest the assertion that the 'authorities' are only ever interested in pursuing race hate crimes when the perpetrator is white and the victim is non-white?...
Assuming this story is true (and at the moment, police are still investigating), what is the best way for the BNP to tackle the more extreme wing amongst those who support it's stance on race matters?...
Had they been black, some people would reason that their gangsta culture makes them behave 'like savages'. Had they been Muslim, the usual suspects would blame it on their hatred of all things...
Had they been black, some people would reason that their gangsta culture makes them behave 'like savages'. Had they been Muslim, the usual suspects would blame it on their hatred of all things...
If they were black, certain people would say "It's because of their savage nature and their 'gangsta culture". If they were Muslim certain people would say "It's because they're all violent...
How can Kerry Katona be cautioned by the police with cocaine possession, unless they actually nab her red, or perhaps white-handed? 19.stm Didn't Kate...
Madonna sampled Abba's 'Gimme Gimme Gimme' on her single Hung Up. However, apparently there's another 90s UK top five hit which samples another Abba track...what is it, and who's it by?
Last week, England and Tottenham star Jermain Defoe announced he was going to sue Essex police for unlawful arrest and imprisonment because of the number of times he'd been stopped whilst driving his...
It sounds like a girlband and the hook is "I'm ready for the ?hip hop beat" and there's lots of oh ohs in it too. Not much to go on I know, but I'm desperate, any ideas?
So, you're driving down the M3 near Luton, and you see a number of Sikh women and kids on the hard shoulder standing away from a coach which is on fire. Do you a) pull over to see if you can help b)...