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With all the news making the decent British population disaffeceted with our own country, how about a reminder of what makes Britain Great? I will start............ 1) Torvill and Dean winning gold at...
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Why do you need to put lemon juice on oysters?
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is 27a au gratin french cooking term meaning with the burnt bits thanks
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If you had the necessary means to do it, what would happen if you kept compressing an amount of air indefinitely? Would it eventually become a solid 'block' of air? Would the same thing happen to...
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When I was younger I had the strong notion that in reality every thing is possible, Ill be frank and explain how this came about, I had just watched the film T2 (Terminator 2) and I considered that if...
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My wind was wandering and got on to thinking about thinking. I was quite aware that when thinking things in my head I think in English. But... how do deaf people think? They don't know what english...
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is standard lightbulbs classed as tungsten or florescent lightin?
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when i try and download music to my psp i can only ever fit about 7 songs on it. the the memory stick is 32mb and empty is this all it can take?
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ive dropped a strawberry into my disc drive during a moment of passion with my gf what should i do?
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I just purchased a Crucial 512mb USB Flash Drive 2.0 Gizmo. Is it possible for me to set a password on the flash drive so that the content of the memory stick can not be viewed or accessed without...
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I put a plastic bottle of mineral water in the freezer in summer to cool it down. I cant remember how long it was in there for but when i went to get it i opened the door and could see the water still...
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I know this one keeps cropping up, but I'm new to AB so bear with me... If I connect a rechargeable battery to an electric motor, which then powers a dynamo connected to the battery, will this set up...
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When boiling say, water in a saucepan, why does the 'boiling activity' (bubbling) seem to increase momentarily when the heat is removed?
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50Hz OR 100Hz
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which cheese is said to have the least amount of odour
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How many mililitres of cooked soya beans would contain the protein equivalent of a 110 gram hamburger of 500 mililitres of milk? 100? 240? 480?
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So what IS the square root of minus 1 ?
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What are eyebrows for?
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What's the difference between an electric shaver and a regular one?
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My son has just purchased a 2nd hand computer with 20Gb hard drive.... It boots up fine & has XP pro installed with plenty of free space, the problem is that's very slow and often dispalys a...

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