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And Spring cleaning has began What yous doing ?...
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The devil is redundant....
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sandyRoe the side door. Stupidity, and maybe greed, know no bounds. I said he should phone the police about it. Would you?...
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How to get your clients working remotely?
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Two of the managers at work are at odds over this. One is insisting on all the windows open and heating switched off whilst in the other office they have got the room temp slightly higher than usual...
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I care for my 85yo mother who has several major medical conditions including Parkinson’s Disease. She lives alone so I do shopping for her. Problem is that I don’t have any documentation to prove that...
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Who would rather we went into total lockdown, and get this all over quicker, or carry on as it is at the moment.
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What would you need to do to avoid getting Coronavirus? If you live on your own and don't invite anyone into your home or go out mixing with others, is it possible you could avoid getting it?...
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I’m back from a weekend in a secluded log cabin in Northumberland ,it had 3 bedrooms so there was no sharing and me and my two friends kept strictly to thd two metre ruling and only went in the...
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I think with a lot of people flouting the rules i think a full lockdown is now essential to avoid the situation we are seeing in Italy. I think the military need to get involved now. What do others...
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Did I give myself enough time for an opinion of this utter rubbish?, Is this what Saturday night viewing on BBC1 is reduce to,?and yes I have a remote and there are plenty other channels to watch ,and...
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Went for morning paper and fags. They took 18 out of my packet.
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Has whetherspoon managed to open their trading as normal?
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Paper , milk and much needed soap. Plenty of wine, dearer than Morrisons but I am not going to large supermarkets only to find empty shelves....
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Anyone want to fight me for them?
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Whether you fall into the group classified as ‘at risk’, or are over 70 and advised to remain at home, or younger and fit but requested to abandon your social life, will you comply - and if not why...
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A message to the those who pooh-pooh the idea of taking precautions against Covid-19 because the fatality figures are “so low” Tell me, do you cross the road without looking, after all...
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At the moment whatever way we look at solving this virus problem, it appears to be CHECK, CHECK, CHECK, to the virus, then we come up with an idea to escape CHECK. The thing to remember is that we...
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Forget the big supermarkets and the chaos there. Just popped to Knott End, two co-ops and a spar shop. Very quiet, no panic buying. Bought a carrot cake and tin of spaghetti....

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