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Any proof that there are. Apart from silly notions like the the wonders of nature.
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It was suggested in another thread that atheists who debate/contribute to R&S are obsessive and may require therapy. I cant speak for other non-believers but I can speak for myself. I...
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The Builder
I've been in love with Greta's mum for years. Now it's out there ;o) One of Sweden's best mezzos. Here she is with the best known tune from Handel's opera Rinaldo. Take a moment to let this wash over...
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Teen Smow reckons he can’t stand tap water, and can only drink bottled water. So I bought 6 x 500ml bottles of water from the supermarket. Little does he know that as soon as he finishes one I’ve...
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was on a web-site looking for tv series called The Outpost. My first impulse was to look under 'O'. I was wrong, it was under 'T', part of me understands the reasoning but the rest of me shuddered at...
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I can understand people making sure they've enough meds but food etc??? Are you? I'm not, this in case of a no deal,not a nuclear attack!!!...
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Loyal? Giving Do you ,can you turn the other cheek and if so, how many times?...
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anotheoldgit I added Misogyny because on a radio phone-in, a woman said "that if there was a male...
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I have just purchased a wireless key-board and mouse, and it works a treat on my desktop computer, but I would also like to use it on my laptop, would I need to take the nano receiver out of the...
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I have a flourishing Hydrangea, but only two flowers, any ideas why? Last year because of damage I cut it right back.
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anotheoldgit Perhaps he will be campaigning on this subject on his and Meghan's next trip to Africa?...
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Do you ever derive comfort from prayer, or feel you have received guidance?
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People moan when it's too hot and moan when it's too cold, You gotta suck it up buttercup then in 10 years time say "remember the summer of '19 "...
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Wow! Can’t wait for this...
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While flicking through the channels love island appears,my first experience of this,surely there is something wrong with our mentality in excepting this krapp on our screens,and yes I know that there...
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Our Lidl was closed for two months for refurbishment. They have extended by about 25%. I don't like it. They have changed where everything is and I am wandering about like a headless chicken. There is...
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It's monsoon raining here, what's yours like where you are ?
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I'm a true Royalist but only for those that work ,I.e Her Majesty at 93 does an amazing job and the only foot wrong was her misjudging the mood of the country ( Dianagate) The old Duke was never...
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I saw him being enhanced by Tashi and he is beautiful but the Avatar shows him up as just one black blob - to my eyes anyhow. LOL
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After switching banks, updated new details, Ebay ,paypal etc also Lottery. Decided to try Lotto, first time after about two years. Bought five tickets, thought I had done it wrong, bought another...

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