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I want to send a cv at a company. Do you think I should also include a cover letter? What exactly is a 'cover letter' ?If someone can help me with this... Thanks
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What is a behavioral interview?
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Have 1st face to face interview next week and really wants as many tips as possiable esp from current workers of Lloyds TSB
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What sould i wear to a McDonalds (crew members) Interview? thanks
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Hi there. I am sixteen and looking for a part time summer job. I have been looking on the internet on websites such as job center, doing a google search for jobs in my area etc. However all the...
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I got 2 job interviews this week, but I find that I go to peices in them, I know I can do the job but I'm so nervous when it comes to the interviews, especially questions on why do you think you are...
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Hi, Im 15 and looking for a summer job, in West Yorkshire. I've tried looking and have not yet found something. Preferbly something like waitressing... I am able to work anyday anytime All suggestions...
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dan no1
When an application form says "Why do you want this job?", what should you write, because I don't think that "because I need the money" will make my application stand out, or will it...? lol
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I am 16 and looking for my first job. I have zilch experience, and have no idea where to start, what to do or how to go about it. I am in need of one as when I turn 17 i will need money for drving...
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Im 14 and i really need a job. Where is the best place to look and what sort of jobs am i legaly alowed to do?
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I've got an interview for a job on thursday and just wondered if anyone had any good tips or questions to ask? The job is Asst Retail Manager for a charity shop

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