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Anyone know if Saxondale is repeated this week at all? My V+ box showed it was going to be recorded but didn't actually do it for some reason. Any help is much appreciated
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Dead men's suits being taken up once, as is senior finished around four (8)? R?V?V?R? "Revivers" fits the letters. Many thanks Aperio
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There is a picture puzzle in real people this week, you have to put the two pictures together to make a recent tv comedy programme the first picture is of a woman (dont know who) in silky nightclothes...
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caron musson
has any one got the comedy yet? I don't know if this woman is a model or a famous person? ? moon? night? dusk? please help many thanks caron
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23D Fibre from trees, say (5) 16D Desperate ruffian finds keys (8)
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Could we please have a font with serifs that could distinquish between I ( capital i ) and l ( little L ) . This would be most useful in the Q & P section. Thank You
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good cheese?, yes or no? I think it looks ace
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I thought you Fellow Abers might enjoy doing this personality test on the BBC website rveys/whatamilike/index.shtml Apparently I'm a Strategist
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Anyone else having problems? I can open Yahoo page, but when i try to sign on to retrieve mail I get the ''cannot find page'' message. I have tried via my mail - which tells me I have 4 to read but...
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A friend has sent me an email called Stephen King - The Hand, its an image of a swirling dot and you have to stare at it for 30 seconds and then look at your hand. I didn't leave it on for 30 seconds...
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What links Steven Segal and Keanu Reeves?
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I'm looking for some new music to listen to. I'm into pretty much anything. Would appreciate a few pointers. What's the best new song you've heard in the last few months? All help appreciated. Cheers.
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Can anybody please help with the answer to the following movie tagline clue. 3,14159265358979 Thank You
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Anyone agree there's a misprint in 19d? Shouldn't it read "Provides funds to finish erection of War Office statue, initially" (6)? This would resolve to (END)(OW)+S. 25a What's a CUTE BOW? More...
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I have only one ( major ) clue left and already none of the words my spellchecker comes up with fit the clue. Since I'm not sure of my answer to 27 d - I'll omit the connecting letter from that one....
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A thousand apologies if I'm breaking any site rule by discussing this crossword too soon. So I'll put some spoiler lines until the clue goes past the preview lines. SPOILER SPOILER This is my last...

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