Hello, Is applying for car finance different to a loan? Do the lenders take into the account that you have a car they can repocess if you cant repay? I ask this as my credit rating is only 354 from...
I have a K800i and Garmin 310d Nuvi Sat Nav thjey are supposed to link via bluetooth but my address book comes out all jumbled on my sat nav and i cannot make call via the sat nav can any one help
i want to buy this phone as 5 mp camera but wanted to know if anyone can compare to 3.2 mp mobile camera phones with quality to use as photograph standard print siz or maybe bit bigger???
Any one know if they're any good? I just posted this on finance as well, so apologies if you're reading it twice. I know car insurance comes from just a few different underwriters, but is the service...
My partner was stopped by the police on Sun for a faulty headlight which he fixed on the spot,now he has to produce his documents at a police station, trouble in when he got home and opened his...
I alwas make my own christmas puddings but this year I have two left over from last chrsitmas. would anyone know how long the christmas puddings last and if it would be safe to use this year.many...
O.K. I don't know about everyone else but this game has had me hooked for God knows how long, And now I am stuck. On the riot (near the end) level I need to recruit 2 gang members how the...
I love it when people make verbal slip-ups, and whenever I hear one I add it to my little collection. Here are some for your amusement, genuine ones from friends, family and colleagues that I've heard...
Tried to answer a previous post, but getting 'page cannot be displayed' I was going to ask, where i can purchase this 'poo' ,would it be from a garden centre (or Zoo)....joking! Does it...
My colleague insists on having 5 and a half teaspoons of sugar in his coffee. Do you agree with me that this is just plain wrong, and does anyone have more than that? Just for the record I am more...
What's your most embarrasing moment when meeting a famous person? When I was 5, my dad took me to a garden party in Luton, where the guest of honour was David Bedford (famous 70's runner, inspiration...