Me and the lads in the office have been trying to work out who Barry Scott is from the Cilit Bang adverts, at the beginning of the advert he introduces himself as if we all know who he is. Does anyone...
Im trying to find a motorbike training school in Nothumberland area. My boyfriend wants to learn to ride and sit the test. Anyone know of anywhere that does courses and how much they are? Thanks
hello does any body own a corsa 13 cdti od a 1.2 petrol only i am about to buy one and want to know how good on petrol they are it would be nice to get some real fiqures rather than the ones from a...
This is a bit of a long shot but does anyone know what type of car is in the Lenor ad - the one where she hides some knickers in the glove compartment so when she finds them her boyfriend is all...
I've just heard on the radio that 3 to 4 police officers in America, handcuffed a 5 year old girl. I switched on Sky News just to clarify what I'd heard & it showed this actually happening!...
From the pairs of options below pick the one choice which you favour from each pair. It doesn't matter what your reasons are for making your choice as long as you have picked one from all twenty...
This is a serious question to devout catholics. Recently a friend of my mother, who was been treated in hospital for severe depression after several attemps of trying to take her own life. Sadly...
Just been reading a post regarding right/left handed children. It made me wonder how many ABer's are left or right handed. Hope tha'ts ok Ed! BTW - I'm left handed & left footed.
I have noticed recently that the number of children sucking their thumbs seems to be getting less. I have 4 children, 3 of whom still suck their thumbs dispite all being over 18. Out 8 children...
I suffer with a shaving rash on my neck wich the official terms is pycosis barbi does anyone have any good tips as in razors any gels or creams which dont irritate and has any one gone from wet...
Does anyone know how to get hold of the original Star Trek Monopoly game, i believe it has been discontinued. By the way its for a friend!! Many thanks.
Going to Prague in July this year. There are four of us, all adults between 24(me) - (a young) 56. We are going for the weekend. Any particualr things we should definately be doing for our first time...