that I have had a recipe published in the current edition of Take a Break My Favourite Recipes. I shall be signing copies in our front room if anyone wants one ;-)
grind exceeding slow. Further to my incontinence pad rant on 25th July you won't be surprised to hear that the Poo Panel has yet to decide whether or not my ninety year old, dementia suffering,...
I have an old potting tray in the garden which I use as a bird bath. It's quite deep and the sparrows always seem hesitant to jump in. Yesterday, I put in a paving slab, at an angle, so that the...
I do not understand why the Jews have been, and are still being in some quarters, persecuted by Christians. Jesus was a Jew, as were his entire family, the people to whom he preached, and all of his...
Am i the only one who wouldn't accept any food he was serving unless he covered up his mustache with a mustache cover much like some of the chefs with beards have to? I find it rather off putting and...
If you happen to spot a very Pink car pass by yours in about half an hour or so, it will contain Queenie and her friend on their way to pick up the newest member of our family. (Believe me I doubt...
Hello Abers one and all. Do you have any useless information you'd like to add here? Like, did you know a cockroach's brain is located inside its body, and if it loses its head it can live up to nine...
....and some annoying happenings in my family over the past few months has convinced me that it is obligatory for every family to have one complete oddball in it......very often the sister..... My...
At first glance it looks like a message my computer is putting up. ‘Clean your PC’ – with an ‘OK’ button to click – which brings up the company’s website. It’s appearing next to the...
A man visited his psychiatrist and told him that he thought he was turning into a packet of biscuits. "What sort of biscuits?' asked the psychiatrist. "Square ones," said the man. "With little holes...
Apart from yourself, what is the oldest thing that you have in your home? Mine would be a treadle-style sewing machine which I am dating at 1869. It could be quite a few years older than that because...
While they try and lead us down the path of offensive words, this is what the real and much more serious problem is, that they try to avert our eyes from....
This is allegedly an actual job application that a 75-year-old pensioner submitted to B & Q in Tunbridge Wells. They hired him because he was so funny..... NAME: Kenneth Way (Grumpy Bastard) SEX: Not...
There are growing concerns that an al Qaeda affiliate could use a new generation of liquid explosive, currently undetectable, in a potential attack. The new tactic allows terrorists to dip ordinary...