Hi I made a boo boo yesterday and didnt check that my washing machine was emptied by my older brother. The thing is I put a boiled wash in - fluffy white towels which have turned a light blue/grey...
Hi all, I'm looking a bit of advise. As some of you may know I'm trying for a baby, well my cycle is anywhere from 28 days to 34 days, well yesterday I was at home on my own and the first response...
Hi, I have got bags under my eyes that I am startting to notice more and more. My missus says you can hardley notice them, but to me they look awful. I am 40 and otherwise in quite good shape. I have...
I am looking to make a fresh start and am interested in a totally new place to live either in this country or abroad. I have been temping for a few months to help me decide but now i feel ready to...
Just wanted to say to all you men (and some women I suppose) don't put off going to the doctors because, you're too busy or can't be bothered. My father in law has just died from an illness which he...
just before i go i would like to send my thoughts and prays to all the victims and there familys, to everyone who suffered on that terrible day 9/11 and wish for them all peace and hope for the future...
I'm convinced that I remember being born. Not vividly but I have these memories of being afraid and feeling clostraphobic and not wanting to do something, also of being upside down. Anyone else have...
I really dont know any of you well enough to share. But I cant let this one go. I put a new strap on my watch and its bought me out in a rash shaped like a swastika. Its a bit worrying. Heres the...
I was punched twice in the face last night and my lip is split and really REALLY big.....i've put cold ice on it, and used a bit of witch hazel too with cotton pads. Anyone know of any other good...
My mum has just had an operation to remove a malignant tumor from her stomach. They think they got all of it out but as a precaution she is now undergoing a 12 week course of chemothrapy Fluorouracil...
Go to this site & enter your name in the box & hit the Sloganize button. DON'T CHEAT, KEEP THE FIRST ONE THEY GIVE YOU. www.thesurrealist.co.uk/slogan.cgi mine is - Have You Forgotten How Good Posy-Jo...
Does anyone know the date the match tickets for Tottenham' V' West ham go on sale? i think the match is on 21st oct.. and how easy would it be for me to get 2 tickets (at tottenham end!)as im not a...
To cut a long story short I'm getting a tattoo on the arch at the underside of my foot. THE most sensitive part. I can't possibly back out. Am I making a mistake? Ive never had a tottoo before.
Anybody have a sound file or a link to Papa when he went to see 'Dave'? The bit I want is where he spoke in the (made up?) language. The only bit I remember is 'batnou seras mi' and 'tik-bana' or that...
when i was 15 i very stupidly tatooed myself with my boyfriends inisials is there any cream that could help fade it??it was don with i pin and biro ink