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Hi has anybody used This cream near anus and should it sting. I applied it and it started to sting almost straight away.
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I read this and now I am shaking.. s-attack-ugly-dog-prize-winner-6323e80.html
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On my local tv news yesterday was a report on how young criminals had broken into a woman's house and ransacked it. The worst thing was they found a box with ashes in it - which they scattered all...
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Yeah! I know. it should be in Media and TV, but I feel it is more appropriate here. All the people who ramble on about infidelity among their partners, as a one off, and all those posters who post...
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andy-hughes gy-for-hillsborough-slur-shirt-6323e80.html
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Does anyone else find Gloria Hunniford incredibly annoying on The One Show? She just won't shut up and poor old Gethin Jones can hardly get a word in and, when he does, she often just talks over him....
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Coming back from the sunny side of the duckpond this lunchtime I was listening to Fenella Fudge reading the news on Radio 2. Now - there's a name that if you didn't know was real, you'd think was made...
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In a nutshell what outcome in these elections are the USA/UK and the western allies hoping for and what if they don`t get it?
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Well after a hard morning on the computer and seeing as it's great weather outside I'm off for a pint, Here's my local, anyone wanna join me ?
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At the age now of 74 now, I have always wondered why do we have foreskins cut off on boys. If we are born with it, I cannot see why it needs to be removed. Maybe this question is for a doctor to...
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Apparently Prudentia is 350 years old and is in fact haunting this site! Sounds like a right fruitcake!
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Denubil is on prescription in England. Can anyone tell me what's in it or why this is please?
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The time has come when I have to bite the bullet and do what's best for my little puppy Skippy . I can no longer look after him to the standard he deserves and it's not fair on him to keep him here...
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I have recently developed tinitus, but have been told that there is no cure for this, except suicide. Can any of you fellow ABers be more positive, and tell me how I can cure this intolerable...
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Golfballs some nutter has collected 60,000 lost by golfers!!!
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After making love with my wife a few days ago, the following morning, I noticed what appeared to be a bruise on my foreskin. On closer inspection it was red and appeared to be blood under the skin...
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Stand by for the upcoming rigged elections which will ensure our troops' continued presence in Afghanistan for many years to come. How many more British dead before these people can get their act...
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I've just put the kettle on, who wants one?
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fuhr gacher gymnastique habile hysterie iceberg ivrogne j juvenile ko kway la ly m mythologie n nylon oasis ozone pacifique pyranees qu est-ce que quotidienne ment rabais rythme s systeme ta tzigane...

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