A Christmas quiz is now available in aid of ‘Stepping Stones Playgroup' (Registered Charity #517073). The quiz is a mixture of Christmas related Trivia, Movies, Music and Pictures. Prizes will...
Is it legal to ride a bike that doesn't have a bell fitted ? and if it is fitted is it lawful not to use it when cycling on a permissive cyclepath,that was previously only a footpath. If the cyclist...
A man comes home from an exhausting day at work, flops down on the couch in front of the television, and calls his wife, "Get me a beer before it starts." The wife sighs and gets him a beer....
Previously we've had problems with certain badge pages crashing browsers, like this one: http://www.theanswerb...uk/badges/quick-draw/ Well, we've fixed that! It's safe to rummage in your badge...
This is driving us mad - has anyone got the first word please, V is the letter given, its the second letter in a 6 letter word where the 3rd and 6th letters are the same. We thought the word could be...
Answers have a connection with things that have wings or can fly. 12. A coloured container (10) 16. A team from Gracie's home town (8, 7) I think the first word is Rochdale 21. Something cowardly in...