Does anyone know
Is there a site where I woud be able to find out the passwords for various dates as I am going on holiday and don't want to order the paper unnecessarily. Thanks...
has anyone got the answer for the word to Cash Cow puzzle in Real People issue 13 dated 5th April. i forgot to collect all the letters. thanks to anyone in advance for answer
Does anyone know the location of the castle picture on the cover of issue 308 Feb 2012?
Thought it might be Framlngham, but it doesn't appear so.
Thanks in advance....
The following 4 questions are sequences and have to say what comes next. e.g. R,O,Y,G,B,I = V ( colours of the rainbow) 1. AS, VG, JG, SC, WS = 2. C, P, L, FF, W = 3. B. L, H, M. R = 4. H, L, S, A, V...
Last few, have searched on line, crossword dictionaries etc but am still stuck. 48. Salute right and make a choice 5 49. Look at what's for elevenses 5 ( the name is in the question but I can't see...
Still stuck on a few. All the answers have 4 letters. 23. King Robert to lose 100 30. Cat's cry to change direction at the end 34. Egyptian goddess for the punters 35. A big grin for the fish has no...