The uni i'm thinking of applying to wants BBB for the course i want to do. I think I have a better chance of getting ABC (hopfully!) Do you know if the uni would still consider me as grades ABC would...
It does not look nice/healthy when people put foundation on their lips to blend in with their skin..
Is this just me or do others think this is a AWFUL!...
I was looking for a brown afro wig that's not part 70s fancy dress costume! I don't really know much about wigs and don't really want an expensive one as i don't know whether it would suit me and i'd...
I'm quite intrested in the idea of studying Anthropology at university. I'm wondering what kind of jobs could come out of this and what kind of wage i would be looking at?
Cheers. :-)...
i was once told that people with dark eyes were able to adjust to the dark quicker than people with light eyes how does this work? or is it actually true? cheers :-)
I have a deadline tomorrow and have done all the work i need to do. Problem: now when i open it it wont open on microsoft word and when i open in on word pad it looks like this! py?=?Q?4?...
I'm going as where's wally for a fancy dress party and i can't find a red and white striped top/jumper anywhere! I'm seeing a lot of striped tops as they're in fashion this season however i can't find...
Explain what foundationalism involvs (6 marks)
i dont have a clue! I've read the book i have but there dosn't seem to be anything about it
does anybody know ?
help much appreciated :)
Having a dinner party with the girlies tomorrow and still don't know what im cooking! any ideas , one's a veggie - oh and nothing too hard with loads of ingredients , i have herbs and such like but...
i must have pressed a key or something and now my screen has flipped! really hard to move the pad how do i fix it ? please help - i've tried closing the lappy down and starting it up but that didn't...
i brought some henna the other day and thought i'd practice doing it on myself - lowerleg/ankle very bad idea! It's my friends birthday today and we're going out for a meal - it's a dressy occasion....
whats percentage is 300 from 800 ?
please could you show the method or working out
my sister wants to know , and i don't have a clue!
she got 37.5% is this right?
setting off tomorrow for a week really excited :) my first time going , heard people say it's a really life changing experience -very moving. I'll find out when i get there i suppose :) 27 hours on a...
something that needs little money
cinema is out - costs a bomb (?5) at my local!
it's raining and cold - don't want to be going outside
watched all my DVD collection
got any ideas?
do some of yous really know each other , or have yous been part of the AB fam so long that yous have come to know each other so well? Do people come on this often , is AB that addictive? how did...