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49 down, STREAMS:- ?R?O?S, is the answer BROOKS? Many thanks in advance....
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16 across:- Motorcyclist. Is it rider or biker
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I have only ever opened my car doors with the central locking but I recently purchased a spare key for it and even though it fits into the ignition and it starts the car, it won't open the doors. I...
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39 down:- fail to find the right direction, 4,3,3 L?S? T?E ?A? could it be lose the way?...
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Fruity superfood that's a popular ingredient in muffins and on pancakes
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10 down:- Routes, ?A?S Is the answer MAPS or WAYS?...
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I have a petrol lawnmower with a Tecumseh carburretor, I cleaned the points and carburretor and the lawnmower starts every first or second pull but it runs at an idle speed instead of revving when the...
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4 Down, added a word of agreement : ?H???D ??
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Is there a site where I can check when my car insurance is due, for free
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Take advantage of
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24 across, greasy quality:- ?I?I?E?S - I have put OILINESS 42 Down, Having too little to eat:- ?N?E?F?D - I have put UNDERFED so I would like confirmation please...
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2 down, ABSTRUSENESS:- O?A?I?Y I have checked the crossword solvers as well as 3 dictionaries as I thought the answer could be OPACITY but none of them came up with this answer so please help....
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47 across, I have R?D?A?T so I think the answer is REDRAFT please can somebody confirm this, Many thanks in advance...
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I normally have a sign on my coach stating "NO ALCOHOL" and 99.9% of the supporters abide by this, so when I changed coaches on the 10th December 2016 I didn't put the sign on the new coach. When I...
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11 Down:- Widespread destruction and great disorder, H?V??...
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20 across:-American style of boofing (3-7) T?P ?A???N?
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43 Down:- Dishy male star of Hollywood's Golden Era. M?T?N?E ?D?L The only thing I can think of, using these letters is MATINEE IDOL but MATINEE doesn't make sense...
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43 down:- M?T?N?E ?D?L The only thing I canmake from this is, Matinee Idol but it doesn't sound right...
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13 down, Officer's butler :- ?A?E? I think the answer is MATES but it could also be VALET, please help. Thank you...
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I remember when we were young, (albeit a long time ago) my mum used to have a saying about manners at the dinner table but I can't remember how it went apart from:- manners ------- there are pigs at...

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