Citroen Xsara Picasso in The AnswerBank: Motoring
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Citroen Xsara Picasso

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stanbesida | 10:04 Wed 25th Oct 2017 | Motoring
5 Answers
I have only ever opened my car doors with the central locking but I recently purchased a spare key for it and even though it fits into the ignition and it starts the car, it won't open the doors. I tried my original key and that won't open the doors either, in fact neither of the keys will fit into the driver's door more than a quarter of an inch (6.35mm) yet it goes all the way into the passenger door but it won't turn one way or another. Has anybody else had this problem and if so, were you able to fix the problem, and if so how did you do it?
Many thanks
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Did you buy the car new? It sounds like the lock-barrel on the driver's door has been changed at some time and the key lost.
Ours works fine, I just tried it.
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bhg481, No I didn't buy the car new but the key won't go into the door lock at all b go into the passenger door but it doesn't turn. I mentioned it to a mechanic and he said the lock was seized and he reckons that it can't be fixed but I thought that somebody else may have experience the same problem but they may have managed to fix it.
A siezed lock sounds a possibility, since it has probably never been used in the life of the car. You could always try squirting some dry lubricant (PTFE or silicone) into the lock and keep stabbing the key into it; once in you can try turning it. Don't use oil on lock barrels.
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Thanks bhg481 I'll give it a try, I was going to try W.D. Forte but thought I would check first.

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Citroen Xsara Picasso

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