I need to accurately translate the phrase:
"If you're going through hell, keep going" into latin, of course Google isnt the most reliable...
thanks in advance...
19dUnstable routine initial cause of unstable state of mind NEURO?I?(is it neurosis or neurotic? 3d A great Russian novel "I dot i..." drooled Fyodor D ?D?O? 4d Inventor Watt turned out to be a dim...
6 and 4. Took off like a runaway sailor. ?u?p?d and ship. 6,3,2. Never lost it in other words. 7 and 3. Levelling off for a social engagement later e?e???g and ?u?
12 letters. Pleasant, funny
8 letters. Anxious, worried
7 letters
Dark viscous syrup
The letter Z may, or may not, be in answers...
7 letters. I in France have a new soul that's envious ??A?O?S 6 letters. Sprightly relative between beginning and end of July ??U???? 7 & 5 letters. A winning tale? S?D?E?S and ???R? is it something...
5 letters What Dr Rock drives M?T?? 5 letters It sounds asinine, but inlets are about right ???Y? 5 letters To a certain character beers come in large quantities 5 letters Find a horse in the street...