who can understand all the waste food they were on about just a few days after Christmas? for goodness sake, things like sprouts, parsnips and carrots keep for ages, I have a stalk of sprouts hanging...
Is a blue rinse a common hairstyle for men in England? Apart from Quentin Crisp and this chap in the news in Bath I don't think I've ever seen anyone on the television with one.
Few weeks annual leave then maternity leave, no more work for 12 months!! I'm sure I'll keep myself busy somehow! Can someone please toast the fact that I don't have to see that place again for a good...
Review of the year 2010 Quiz 1 January 1st saw the 25th anniversary of what, first demonstrated by Ernie Wise. 2 Who dropped a clanger for the USA in June 3 Who went to the palace to see the Queen on...
Hi folks, what are your plans for this evening? Strictly speaking, this is the turn of the decade. Does this inspire you to celebrate or will you be having a quiet night in? I'm having a family get...
I had trouble sleeping so bought a memory foam pillow. It is the hardest, most uncomfortable pillow i have ever had. Am I doing something wrong as I have heard that they are good for helping you to...
Shooloof's now wearing his suspenders, and none too soon. Gotta shoot off and not about at all tommorrow - May i just say to all of you here on CB, and all on AB too, to have a Happy New Year,...
Read this question, come up with an answer and then scroll down to the bottom for the result. This is not a trick question. It is as it reads. No one I know has got it right. A woman, while at the...
Evening all. Me and the boyf are having our own new years eve in together. It's likely I will mostly just end up thrashing him at Sing Star all night but want some ideas of games we can play. Don't be...
I was on a bus in icy weather when it stopped for a lady on a wheeled walking frame. On the ice she got herself trapped between the gutter and the bus. The driver never moved a muscle, nor did anyone...