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Is there lots of snow in Lochgelly Fife? It's really important, I need to know...
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how often do you lie? yesterday i told a tiny tiny white lie....well more a 'skirt around the truth' and i felt so bloody guilty for ages about it :(
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Which adverts on TV and radio irritate you most ? For my part, they include 'Go Compare' and 'Maureen 118 212'...
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Here are today's shaded clues for you - 32a US general who oversaw the Berlin airlift during the Cold War [4] 34a The English royal dynasty that ruled from the accession of Henry Vll in 1485 till the...
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STUCK AGAIN!!! Fluff 4 letters ??L? Knowledge 3 letters Not working 3 letters O??...
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curlyperm11 looobyloo - yep blonde bob but in ponytail - wearing fetching purple scrubs outfit - will be prancing around the wiating room pretending to look busy when leanne and ken get the good news...
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If you could turn back the clock what would you do?
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If you know someone who always has their phone with them. Always picks it up as soon as it bleeps...but they haven't answered your calls? I called for a reason (twice) and they would know why I'm...
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anotheoldgit What is the least sentence these 'Royal Car' attackers can expect when they are caught and convicted?...
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I know they have CCTV to monitor if you exceed 2 hours stay or something like that but does anyone actually monitor who parks in the disabled and parent & child spaces? The reason I ask is because...
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offered by my shed supplier good value at £100?
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Do these little thugs not realise that it is because of the activiies of people like Sir Winston that they are free to vandilise his statue?
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I have looked and looked at your avatar, but could you perhaps explain it to me?
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It's taken a while to load the pages today?? mind you, Sky BB went down for a few minutes last night, just as doc and me were 'in chat' I blame the Government!!!!...
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who's going to Panto this year? Just booked my tickets to see Peter eye watering £195 (oh no it wasn't) Not sure if the leading cast members are famous or not, as I have not heard of...
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Reuters reports that one of the world's rarest flies has been found in Kenya. It's called the "Terrible Hairy Fly". It is thought to live only in the Ukazi Hills in Kenya. The last examples...
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I can't seem to post a response to your last comment on 'Why was my question on this news story removed' and due to email issues i can't email the editor to find out why so.... I just wanted to assure...
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Thought I might send some of my cards via the websites like moonpig. Has anyone tried them and if so any suggestions as to which site is best? Not e-cards, ordinary ones sent by post but someone else...
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Very bright light in the sky hovering, Not the police helicopter, we hear that before we see it. Not a plane, they don't hover. I asked the wife what she thought it was, and she had to agree it was...
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we have had lots of threads about fav xmas songs ect what are your pet hates about xmas could be a certain song, or anything really. On the radio at the moment is "simply having a wonderful...

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