I have just had an email from Deliah with the recipe for her Classic Christmas Cake.
Do you think she'll be upset if I email back saying, 'I'm not bothering this year'?...
Somebody's going to start the discussion, so as might as well be me! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-29623851 I'm happy to support the idea but it's not something that I feel strongly...
Please let me know your opinion:-
Please vote "Yes" if we should hand them back to Greece.
Please vote "No" if we should keep them.
Or "Don't know.
I would vote yes....
It seems I might have misjudged Johnny Rotten. Going forward from his splendid interview by Mr Humphrys on the Today Program, he has now had a Q+A session in today's Guardian. Some extracts :: He...
if the law says I am entitled so much money per week in benefits , And its the law remember that I get that amount , how can the DWP take it off me in sanctioned benefits for 4 weeks, because I missed...
Long thought to have been killed at The Battle of Hastings ( 1066 ) and buried at Bosham , under a church floor. Now they are going to exhume the bones and check the DNA of them. My question is , with...
he'd have got a proper sentence......
truly disgraceful.....how the hell is that justified ?...
Thanks to all who helped me complete a quiz for my grandchildren's school fundraising for MacMillan Nurses. Pleased to share with you that I won a hamper - woop, woop. Schools now on holiday in...
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/prince-george/11135797/Duke-and-Duchess-of-Cambridge-issue-warning-over-intrusion-into-Prince-Georges-privacy.html Are the Duke & Duchess right to expect privacy...
I read with dismay the post regarding the Dog being set on fire this reminded me of a story I read last week regarding 900 chicken that were beaten to death with Golf clubs 3 teenagers have been...
In the 40s and 50s my mother used to make coal fires every day, and made special things using newspaper which she folded in a certain way. I can't remember what she called them, the word 'skewers'...
take a break, chat, real people etc magazines. I always enter chat, take a break and thats life, never won a thing!! :-( i could do with a win. I enter everything, even the ones online. Are these just...
Hope this post doesnt get deleted, its a serious query. Just why is porn mainly seen as a 'man' thing? I'm a man and I like porn. Ive had girlfriends who have loved a bit of porn (especialy if that...
Further to TTT's post 'A step in the right direction' I mentioned that this subject had been mentioned before many times by Conservative thinkers. It was spoken about on LBC a couple of years ago and...