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While this may have been discussed already I think it is worth finding out what the #1 resolution is for 2011. While I will obviously not have covered everything, please tick all that apply and those that are pretty close! Also, if you're planning on doing something amazing, please let us know!
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Is a old dance music song, I believe from the 80's or 90's
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blank disc of metal
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Does anyone know of a website where I can download free scholarly books... e.g. in the field of biopsychology? :)
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Would you say it was Norfolk, Wigan or Yorkshire?
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Some of you may remember from yesterday that I was worried about Boots, well he died this morning. When I got up he'd had a massive nose bleed and could hardly walk. I took him straight to the vet and...
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Can you tell me what the prize money is for the include semi finals and other rounds.
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Every time I click on "edit my profile" the option to change it isn't there and neither is the link to Gravatar. Can anyone help?
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they have the same avatar, now that'll be confusing.......................
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My thanks to Chris for seemingly banning the impersonating Invictas last night(unless it was coincidence?), and to Naz, for guiding me through the method of getting an avatar. and to all the others...
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Two cannibals, a father and son, were elected by the tribe to go out and get something to eat. They walked deep into the jungle and waited by a path. Before long, along came this little old man. The...
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i stumbled across it when i was at 6th form a few years back. i had googled something like 'is sweeney todd real?' for my history presentation on London. signed up and not been off since! how did you...
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hi to you all just having a wee read through and am now wondering if this is some elite club , who are you all do you all know each other away from your laptops are you trekee's as l love startrek any...
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How do you say " the wooden one " in latin?
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ever thought about having a big meetup/gathering? would be quite interesting to put faces to the names dont you think?
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How many of you are going to fly the flag for England as we thrash Australia in the ashes, i have broken out the world cup St Georges flags and put them on the car to celebrate our massive victory...
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I saw the funniest thing last week when I went to the post office to pick up a parcel. The guy behind the counter could only hold my parcel at arms lengths using only the tips of his finger. The...
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How is it that England has won the Ashes 2-1 when there is still one more match to play?
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heading for the cup
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I'd live to see a proposal to increase benefits being discussed.

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