Hey people! what do you consider to be the single most significant event of the last 10 years and why? In my opinion i would probably say the fall of the twin towers as this lead to war, controversies...
Where can I compare the price of driving lessons online? I know price isn't everything, but it would still be nice to get an idea without making lots of phone calls.
Please can someone le me know what HGVA stands for. It appears to be something to do with screens. Could it be high grade video array? Thank you in anticipation
Does anyone know what HGVA stands for This is what the quiz says, but all I have found so far is HVGA (Half video graphics array). Any answers gratefully received as it is the only question...
Hi Abers, I need your help please, I heard a v funky dance tune at a club recently. The lyrics were by a man and he sang the following: ...... I don't want nobody, I don't want nobody baby, thinking...
Does anybody remember the name of a kids tv programme about early 90's where it was set in a hotel or something and they'd go to different floors in the lift. one floor theyd go into a kitchen and...
How many degrees are there if you add all the angles of a regular pentagon? Is there a web site where you can find out stuff like this for my son's homework? Thanks in advance