I need some answers to the following Dingbats please: 1) The word ALONE is written downwards and by the side are the words FEET and FEAT? 2) EEYORE OT? 3) BURGLARS with the letters A and S in darker...
you magazine crossword 1244, 28 august.
i know nothing about cricket. please may i have help on 9 down, 4 letters and 7 letters? 'international cricketg games'. thanks in advance....
1. Near And Live (3,8) 2. Breath And Pry (5,7) 3. Da Is Ashen (6,4) 4. Pen Links Os (4,6) 5. Army Err Goes Rash (8,7) 6. A Stone Corner (6,6) 7. Odd Tie Rings (4,7) 8. Honest Jet Can Snarl (8,9) 9. O...
These are all songs from the musicals: 7. C.E.D.T.M. 9. H.W.A.M. 14. S.T.R.C. 16. T.O.M.A.I.H. 17. P.P.J. 22. S.G.A.B.B. 27. A.L.L. 28. L.A.T.E.O.T.T. 29. W.B.F. 30. W.T.I.I. (S) Any help greatly...
The underlined is the initial letter of the animal: second set of letters is the band/artist. 29 )LTT ? LE 35) WTD ? WNW 53) IAT ? L 58) CS ? JN 63) IBICF ? RK 69) UD ? MR This one threw me 64) TL ?...
if i've got a bottle with a gallon of gas in it that 25 percent nitrogen and a bottle with a gallon of gas that is 5 percent nitrogen, what quanities would i have to mix together to make a bottle with...
7. Sounds like a hole in the roof (7,2) 9. The Local Pack (8,3,5) 16. Skiddaw is at the back of this one (6) 17. This cup can be offered at the meet (7) 19. These horse driving trials started in 1975...
Section 2 question 4: Dark Stream = a place in the north west. Section3 Quotations: who said Tina Turner is the only rock singer whose legs go up to her armpits Section 5 question 3: Which two British...
24. Girls name (10) 26. Home, welsh national emblem 29 Toad's friend's long appendage(8) 30 Field, Kanga's baby (6,3) 31 Had six wives (4,4,5) 32 Grows on wasteland after fire (7,10) 36 Rouge nos. 43...
All the answers are songs, singers or groups with colours in the name: 5. Don't Point That At Me (4,6) 7. Don't you step on them (4,5,5) 12. Keith could be this colour when he's hot (4,5) 22. It's a...