Following on from both Posy and Pixi.... Who do you find really really horrible who you would not touch with a Barge Pole even if they were the last Man on Earth??
Just thought i'd say bye!! At 5.30am tomorrow i'll be on my way to the airport with my fella and my busted knee on our way to the stormy Dominican Republic..... Gonna be there for two weeks - so no AB...
Well this has been bugging me for a while. I was at a sleepover a little while ago and we were all talking about reincarnation. My friend was telling me about a girl who swears that she was a tree...
we now have a new site on gaming but what about one for games ... as in monopoly and the zillion others of the ilk. i mention bgecause i had a question tonight that i put into quizzes and puzzles...
Hi, This is on behalf of a friend. Has anyone ever had CI, is it painful? friend has had major problems with constipation for YEARS and can easily go 3-4 weeks between going, and obviously is...
Is anyone else as mad about medicine as me? I watch so many medical programmes and true life medical programmes like Trauma, I actually know medical procedures themselves, it's strange...:D Don't...
could we please have an edit button .so if we make a spelling mistake ect we can correct the mistake.unless there is already one and i havent seen it..thankyou.
My girlfriend told me last week she would call me.However she has not called me at all.Yesterday evening we got back together but she has still not called or even text me.I am looking forward to when...
when is the best time to give my pond a good overhaul. to empty it clean it and refill it. should i do this before winter sets in, or in very early spring when im ready to put plants in it and before...
My brother just showed me this video on a website and it made me laugh so hard. If any one's feeling down this might just cheer you up :-)
My head is spinning, A nephew of mine has started taking drugs,to hide from the fact he was abused by some piece of scum,he won't talk about it to anybody,my Dilema is this bloke is out of prison and...
if u could be anywhere else right now where would it be??? id either like to be cuddled up in bed watching dvds all day or sunbathing in the meditteranean! ahhhh