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I see that Sqad has identified that some posters appear to be Obsessed with Answerbank. Perhaps we should have an Obsession topic where people who are suffering from this now identified syndrome could...
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If in a police statement someone uses the word "basically" about 4 times in one sentence, starting almost every sentence with "basically" is that a sign they are being untruthful?...
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.....has a very precarious seat tonight!...
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Someone is trying to tell me something. Goodnight, thanks for your company....
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It's over a month since Christmas and it feels like it was just yesterday, why is it that the older you get, time flies faster, it's flippin scary and I don't like it. :(
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I was about to take the apples and pairs and realized that I didn't have any; therefore, I shall shuffle down the corregidor in order to reach my skein of thread...Goodnight, cor blimey:)
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I'm trying to find find the post code for "65 Stafford Crescent, Clayton, Newcastle-Under-Lyme" on the Royal Mail site, and I get a red message saying, more or less, they can't find it. Could anyone...
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Morning all from soggy Sussex xxx
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hi everyone not been on much, went out for a paper ended up in the pub, anyone else got the same illness as me , that u can't pass a pub!!
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You when we have some snow here and everything grinds to a halt ? There is always someone that says..."well how does America ( or Canada ) manage...they don't have our problems with a little bit of...
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Don't you think that these look a little like deliciously glazed pretzel sticks?...Actually, I hate pretzels
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Was quite a surprise.
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This is the first time that I have seen a crossword puzzle which contains two letters in a square.
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Labour will today, in the House of Lords, try to start the process to ban smoking in cars with children inside them today :: Seems like a sensible idea...
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In case you were wondering ! Some men have been charged in connection with taking discarded food from a skip :...
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Watching Chris Packham. With his dogs earlier, it crossed my mind would a dog recognise itself and it's mate on tv?
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think of sex everytime you meet a woman ?
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£4.99 a kilo in Waitrose and £8.99 a kilo in Marks.... They seem exactly the same !...
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... pick up the book nearest to you - turn to page 45 - the first sentence will supposedly reveal all about your current love life. This is, of course, a load of old cock ... ... but mine says : "But...

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