All answers are the names of wild birds on the British list 3. She might be bashful and blushing after this (7) 16. You won't need to take cover from your opponent when you are playing on the lawn....
Can anyone assist with the following please? 29 Take a crude form of saddle and mix. 36 Destroy to assure and include the dog letter. 56 Put a note between discoloured and protective covering. 71...
18 Express joy by voice, reverse nothing Please help - it's somewhere between Mexico and Los Vegas. I see that this has been asked several times before and I've looked at them all but just cannot see...
41 Drenched faction around the pool 8,5 I have seen this asked several times already but I can only see it answered as Swimming or swimsuit party but I don't really think it fits the "drenched" part...
Has anyone at all solved no 37? Flatten yourself - and keep quiet! (4) All the answers have seaside or maritime assaciations, some animate others far less so (according to the compiler) but I'm...
7. The knight had one over the eight 8. Turn an apple inside I've no idea of the number of letters involved and am totally stuck. Keep thinking 7 should be Sir Nine but can't find any famous animals...
Could anyone kindly give me some clues for nos: 25, 70, 83, 86, 90, 93 & 97 You don't need to tell me the answer just pointing me in the right direction would really help. I just KNOW that 97 has a...
However many times I try to enter this competition online using my passwords once I have logged in the screen refreshes blank. Is it me? What am I doing wrong? Has anyone else had this problem?
Can some clever person help me with 42A? I can't decide whether it's thirds or tripos! The types of honours bachelor's degrees awarded by Cambridge University T _ I _ _ S