Have tried the ridiculously cheap to the horrendously expensive. My recent one (v. expensive) was never properly non stick and has now started flaking. does anyone have a pan which has been going...
I will be getting in touch wi Nestle to demand they put Raisin and Biscuit Yorkie Bars back into production. I spent weeks looking for them and they don't do them any more. IT'S AN OUTRAGE!!!!!!!! Do...
Assuming that human beings evolved from the neanderthal and have lost the elongated brow among other features, what do you think will happen to the human race in the future, assuming of course we...
Please help i have just gone and looked at the text messages on my 16 year olds phone and i have found out that his dad is supplying him with weed father is due to call round today and i am guessing...
Someone is cooking a lovely piece of brisket and it smells delicious and I am really looking forward to my dinner! Going to have lots of veg and gravy yum. I feel hungry just thinking about it LOL!...
My neighbour smokes a lot of marijuana. (Smell it.) Not a problem. But the other day a friend of his came round with a carload of his children aged from 5 to 10-ish. They waited in the car while he &...
what is the funniest clip on the internet i.e the fat kid on the ride with janice people send you them by email saying things like this is hilarious but they rarely are
I've just received a PM on Sportsbank from Theland - and he's not at all well. He's taking early retirement from his job at the end of next week, and had hoped to find other work, perhaps on a part...
and I loved every bit of it. My niece and nephew laughed all the way through and we really enjoyed the movie. Do you enjoy kids films as much as the kids do, or sometimes even more?
I read (on a fagpaper packet) that all the planets, in our solar system, rotate clockwise excepting Venus which rotates anticlockwise. Surely, that depends upon from where one is viewing the solar...
Don't think I have asked this before, although it's something I have a definite opinion on! How do people feel about euthanasia? Is it less taboo than in previous years? Or still seen as problematic?...
The way I feel about drugs and a lot of other things is that so long as what you are partaking of affects only yourself then there should be no law against what you should be able to put into your...
Have you seen this? http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-234 36044-details/The+world%27s+first+time+machine +Tunnel+to+the+past+could+open+door+to+future+...
Following on from naomi's question - I heard a radio report the other day where it claimed that everyone, even atheists, pray. They didn't mean in the Lords Prayer sense but that all people will say...
This is probably only relevant to irish patrons but, can anyone clear up for me the problem that is arising this year between St. Patrick's Day and easter falling around the same time and how does...
If you buy a HDDVD player can you watch standard dvds on it? AS far as I'm aware you can't play blu ray and HDDVD on the same player so I don't see the point of getting a blu ray player to render my...