I know that Santa Claus exists. He is real. You must believe me or you will perish for all eternaty. Santa loves you and wants to be kind and loving to you. He has given you all such wonderful gifts...
We're having a party on wednesday evening and if is nice weather we are hoping to be outside for a time. As there will be a few people and some children I was wondering does anyone have any tips on...
Does anyone know if Joshua Homme, lead singer of QOTSA plays live shows with the EODM. I know that he is heavily involved in both the EODM albums but not if he also plays gigs as a band member.
I was just wondering that if, hypothetically speaking, an athiest dies and it turns out there was a God and they come before him is there any chance of that person being allowed into heaven. I must...
Just put an original quote of your own concoction here for others enjoyment or dismay. Don't quote your favourite quote from someone else or owt. For example "Twenty cans of beer will give you one...
There is always this debate about where Springfield is really located but I remember looking up Springfields in America in an atlas a few years ago and there is actually a Springfield located about 5...
I can't decide on whether to go to a Festival I've got tickets for next saturday or sell the tickets. I do want to go but don't know if I'd be bothered with the hassle of travelling etc. My girlfriend...
I won a PSP last year but I've not really used it. Is it true that it can be linked to the internet and if so how? Would it be a matter of plugging the lead out of the back of my PC and plugging it...
We've got a canvas painting in the house that is of what would appear to be a little shed siuated beside a lake in a wooded area. It looks to be set around late evening or dusk and it looks like late...
In this game which you have to find the star there's 2 which I can't get. The 5th row, 5th from left and the 6th row 3rd from left. Can anyone help? http://media.fizzlebot.com/hoshisaga.php
My previous mobile a Nokia has packed up and won't work any more and I need a new one. It never was very satisfactory as the service provider o2 didn't support the particular model, I couldn't access...
Could someone please read the passages here(particularly 19:30 through 19:38) and tell me if they are actual quotes from the bible or just twisted to suit the opinions of the particular website...