You have to wonder whether the people who go off on one and start ranting about about completely innocent comments are actually a bit unstable. I wonder if they loose their temper so easily in their...
I'd be torn between blackcurrant and raspberry but I can't stand strawberry flavour. The weird thing is I like strawberries but not raspberries or blackcurrants.
I will try to be concise -lol I dont drink as a rule but had a few glasses of wine last night. Took myself off to the local -always someone there I know. Had a great craic -end of night shots appeared...
I've posted and read a lot of posts relating to the topic of religion, all the for's and all the agins, and I put it to you is there any point debating it? I have my view and you have yours and the...
Im gonna order summit from my local chinese takeaway. but ive got a bottle of comportillo rioja.2006. what would go nicely with this from the chinese? any suggestions from the wine buffs out there?
Like, I just put on a wee fun question about confectionary and instead of either answering with a relevant response, or not commenting, he had to be a rare boy and say something hurtful.
If I was having a crisp sandwich my drink of choice with it would probably be coke or pepsi and not in a milloion years would I feel like having tea with it. However if I was having a ham sandwich and...
I experienced a psychotic episode last year and began hearing voices. I am also taking anti-depressants, but for the first time I have begun to feel suicidal. My mother has recently entered a home...
My reason for thinking this is that they have never thought enough about their beliefs to know what they believe. Also they don't fear God's wrath by their actions, generally.
okay I know I've put this up lots of times before but it is always good fun. Just google your real name and tell us what the other you does. I am a Professor of Quantam Physics I also teach yoga and...
can we download from youtube. for example, if i like a song and i see the video on you tube, then can i download it on my computer whenever i want without needing an internet connection. if yes then...