i'm sure i'm not alone in thinking that you let far too many people have far too many 'alais's' i realise you not supposed to 'know' who your talking to , but when people have 3, 4 or more 'different'...
There is a very offensive answer to the following question: http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Animals-and-Nat ure/Question372634.html It advises people to kill their sick animals by hitting them with a...
I really don't understand or like the AB Asks feature. The reason I visit anwserbank is to ask questions and answer questions posed by other users. I don't feel any inclination to answer a thought...
It's in a very provisional stage, but nobody has left for a while which is dull, so I thought I would. I do not want to hear how much everybody loves me, indeed I would prefer to get the "good...
I'm sorry, I know you aren't supposed to use the suggs category for personal messages for other users but I can't think of another way to contact a fellow user. Please let it stay for a bit Ed, thank...
I just went to the toilet and discovered that I was wearing my knickers inside out! Should I bother swapping them around? Or do you think it won't make any difference which way I wear them?
Hi, i'm not as clever as some of you on here, with regards to who is (really) who on here, and who used to be who, but just wondered.......has the question disappeared that had about 109 answers last...
We have a star rating for answers, 1 star, 2star and 3 could we not add 1 gold star only recommened by the author to the ED for him/her to decide yes or no, the one with the most gold stars after one...
http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=v ids.individual&videoid=1524271762 Nope not Cat Stevens (although if anyone looks like he did here, phone number would be lovely) The guy on the hammond...
I have just found out that my younger brother has found my passwords for answerbank and hotmail and he has been sending out random rubbish to people. I have looked in my threads and am disguted by...
ummmm your pure genius http://img410.imageshack.us/img410/6197/dottyh andherawfulrage3io4.jpg http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/5672/dottyh andherawfulrage4zm7.jpg...
please take the time to read the response on this thread by zimzam (not zigzag i hasten to add as they do not get this nasty) , appalling , the ed has an uphill task with that looney tune...