My daughter left school 6 years ago. She has worked for pretty much all of the 6 years since; living away from home for some of the time. She has now been accepted at university and applied for...
My husband is trying to enter the competition in the Daily Mail were the Daily Mail Lottery number ( on the back page) is needed. Would anyone please give me their number ( threw husbands papers away)...
I always pay my credit card in full. What credit card gives the best awards ? Not bothered if the reward is cash or cinema tickets, vouchers etc etc. Loads of sites for those transferring balances but...
Whilst researching my family tree, I have looked around many cemeteries. The oldest graves tend to be of people who were born in the 19th century. Where are the bodies of people from before this time?...
I have put in an order with the above and confirmed the order the next day. The total was £1125.00. A week or so later I got a text from Hillarys saying if I ordered shortly I would get a discount. I...
The communal lock has broken in a block of flats.
Can the cylinder be replaced again (been replaced once before) or does everyone now have to have a new key for a new lock?...
Metric unit of mass equal to approximately0.0035 ounces or 15.4 grains G??M CAribbean island at the northern end of Leeward Island smallest special municipality of the netherlands S?B? Eldest son of...
Device that transfers an alternating current between circuits usually with a change of voltage -11 T?A??F??M?R Rural deity of roman legend represented as a man with ears horns tail hind legs of goat...
Can someone assist please? Having finished this crossword, I now have to complete the ISpy answer - how many times this letter appears! Is it an I(capital I) or an i(small i) or an l(small l)? Would...
I live in a block of 20 flats. Slowly over the years the breach of lease - sat.dishes flues, washing out etc have littered the estate. The freeholders admit there are breaches but say they have no...