After watching a trailer for a film about people jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco to commit suicide it made me think - If you jump from a bridge what kills you? the impact or the...
with all thats going on in britain do you still love britain would you if you had to fight for our democracy and ways. politicians come and go, would you defend britain.
Why did the 1 in 6 people wont sit next to a muslim question get banned, if its ok for the BBC I am sure its ok for AB, isn't that a bit overzealous AB ED??
After tests my doctor has concluded that it's likely that I have IBS and has ruled out coeliacs. Although he has booked me in to the specialist to have (please exuse the spelling) an endoscopy or...
for homework in college i must think of 2 incidents,2 dates and 2 ideas that were turning points in history...i have 1 if each already. incidents - i have 9/11 ideas - martin luther king "i have a...
Did anybody watch the Miracle of stairway B on the 4th Sept? I found it facsinating and at the same time incomprehendable. Every time I see the devastation of what happpened on 9/11 it still shocks...
When we were away this month,my b/f's parents joined us for the second week.One eve after lots of wine we all went to bed late.About 3 am I was aware of being snuggled up to and was just about to...
Not sure how to spell this but are there any clinical reasons why a pregnant woman must have a Caesarean instead of delivering their child naturally? from a medical point of view. Like the baby is in...
Given that the world is not exactly short of people and that the NHS is creaking under the strain, should the NHS be funding non essential treatmeant at all? I sympathise with infertile couples but...
I see on BBC News site, that the government is finally addressing one of the huge problems of these troubled times, internet porn. Yes, I know it is prefixed with 'violent', but as the actual...
Just thought i'd say bye!! At 5.30am tomorrow i'll be on my way to the airport with my fella and my busted knee on our way to the stormy Dominican Republic..... Gonna be there for two weeks - so no AB...
A few years ago it was smokers who were targeted as not being allowed teatment on the NHS, now it's the overweight! Which group will it be next? All these people, whether they are smokers or...
My head is spinning, A nephew of mine has started taking drugs,to hide from the fact he was abused by some piece of scum,he won't talk about it to anybody,my Dilema is this bloke is out of prison and...
Was William the legal heir to the English throne and therefore justified in his subsequent invasion and taking of the throne or was he a usurper and Harold the rightful king?
Have you noticed the steady decline in peoples manners? It's a regular scrum just to board the bus. I feel sorry for the older people, there's not a lot of respect for their generation anymore, not...
what are your your thoughts on the young muslims put into custody for hammering some white lads shattering halal butcher windows during busy hours? (for the record, i am white ultra-relaxed...