Whats an import export license as I have ordered something in bulk over the net and somone rang me up saying have i got an import export license. Does anyone know what this is? If so how could I...
The website doesnt work at the moment so i downloaded messenger discovery from a link and it is still asking me for a reg key. This is a free program so im not scamming any 1 can you help please.
I have had my Creative Nomad MuVo (64mb) for two years now. I love it because its so simple and compact, but I'm beginning to need more space for more songs- when I go to change my tracks around...
Are there any programs to download for msn messenger to see if someon has blocked you and if so how many? Is there also any programs to tell if any of your contacts are appearing offline. thanks...
Hi, I am thinking of buying someone a crystal x-box and have a query re games: Do the games that are played on the original x-box play on the new crystal x-box and if I were to buy additional games...
Ive recently had my computer reformatted and now the text is huge. Does anybody know how I can get it back to the size it was or at least make it smaller . Thanx
Whenever I restart my computer, zone alarm forgets about all the programs I told it to allow access to, eventhough I checked the box that says "Remember this answer the next time I use this program"....
Iv just downloaded MSN messenger 6. But, in XP, there is a different messenger. as i prefer the MSN one, how do i stop the XP from signing in everytime i log on?
My Windows Update appears to be stuck on 0%. The little icon in the system tray says its downloading and has done for a couple of days now. Any ideas why?