Watching the Saxon repeats, with the stunning Alexandra Moen as Lucy Saxon. Tell me I'm not imagining this: Lucy Saxon imprisoned, wearing a simple cotton vest. Was there ever such an episode?...
Now I am no Royalist but I do understand the Queen is in a real good position to get a grasp of many things as She can see and hear things I dont have the opportunity to.... I don't give anything to "big charity" any more, they are no better than...
I still havent got around to buying or renting the Apple Iphone, but when I do, how do I synchronise with my Apple ipad for messaging, emails, photos etc? Is it easy?? Thanks all....
hi can i use a 6 plug extension ,because of where the main socket on the wall is it would mean the plugs that would connect would be upside down is this acceptable and safe...
Can anyone explain to me how this will working? How have NI qualified for the last 16 and who will they play next? I have a plan of the matches going forward just can't get my brain around this third...
According to Mrs, B's tv listing magazine, ITV are broadcasting a tribute to the fine lady, so far so good, who are the presenters , Tweedle Ant and Tweedle Dec, could the telly company not find a...
Over the years I have been addressed by numerous variations of my AB name, such as Mrs Oversexed. (This is not true BTW, it was a filthy rumour started by a small, mad Irishwoman.) The competition... If you can't access the link (I sometimes have to put a password in) it says that 550...
I recently had to delete cookies etc, and now my gmail has disappeared too. It tells me to created an account but when I try to it tells me my details are already recorded and try another email, how...
The threads concerning...." what are you eating tonight?"..."what are your drinking?" always, or almost always, includes the date of bottling e.g 2014 etc. The wines described are invariably "Bog...