27acr Firm to eat late,wandering around retreat (2,5)
21d Turkish governor's father has collapsed (5)
5acr Dismal cowboy hat last pair of characters removed (6)...
15acr Appoint soldiers at home to arrest US lawyer (6)
24acr Permit to attend course (6)
12d Churchman tucked into miniature hot drink (5)
16d Roundabout in City area covered in mud (8)...
10acr I enter weapon test - its to do with heraldry (8) 11acr Type of country bar with keepsake outside (8) 2d Second half of 10 ruined part of seed(4) 7d Annoying person is missing in graduation (6)...
2d Comic book hero almost fills fancy new store in SW resort (6-5-4)
19acr Fairy replaces top of codpiece in old play, say (6,5)
23acr Fellow busy with one sort of pancake (7)...
4d Put tack on horse,forgetting head? That's bad (6)
9acr Poisonous chemicals do six in when spread around (7)
13d Notice inca song played in church (10)...
13acr Big hand in Las Vegas makes eg. Prince go red (5,5)
23acr Criminal in Los Angeles with white horse (10)
29acr Round number (8)
31acr Doctor impressed virile guys, showing great passion (8)...