Please, please, please tell me something that will cheer me up, i am having a bl00dy rubbish day! Moped is bu99ered and belongs in the s0dding scrapyard! im back to work at 6 for the second part of my...
single mum not a great deal of money! but want to know what would make a good first car? would help if tax etc was kept low
currently looking to buy in all the local papers etc...
for a drive, my house is on a main road, with a white solid line and semi white lines, which mean i cannot park on the road, but i have been told off for parking on the verge aswell as i cannot go...
As quite a lot of you seem to think I'm a troll fantasist ? I was furious at some of the disgusting answers posted by some about my Godson going missing,so if I get a lot of yes you are a troll I'm...
Right, this game goes like this.... A capital city beginning with C. Cairo. A fruit beginning with O. Olive. A part of the body beginning with F.... and so on.... So... give an answer to the clue...
Sweet dreams and god bless you all!!nite nite xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx hope to join you all again soon, though dont count on it, im goin to go hang myself!!!!!
We have one of them dirt master door matts that soaks up the wet and damp from our shoes and dog, Has anyone got any ideas about how we can stop it creaping away all the time?? is there a product or...
My first saturday on here ever, I imagined flirtation, good humour, maudlin musings and witty banter fuelled perhaps by a glass or two of saturday beverage. So far I've read about a girl who can tie...
I got a face wax done on weds and as i was on roaccutane tablets my skin was sensitive and now the skin on my forehead and temples has peeled away, like its burnt and it looks really bad, i want to...