these are all anagrams of well-known places throughout the world, some constructed and some natural 1) dlsiawteorcns (7-6) 2) bahlmara (8) 3) smbtiuermiush (7-6) 4) etvuosvmnsuui (5-8) 5)...
What word, coming from the Roman Catholic for one ordained in the lowest orders, is used to denote a church porter ? [7] o-t-a-y. any help much appreciated
sid accepted one's right filling the place of another (9) ?????u??? people from ghana against drinking shandy? not half! (7) ???R?R? THEY'RE ABROAD FILLING UP NINE FORMER RETURNS INSIDE (3,6) ???...
Please can I have help with these?? 11d comments from judge-misdirected diatribe to leader of council. 2 words 6 and 5 ???T?? ????? 7 down suitable for one with his head in the clouds 9 letters...
Natural world, includes rivers, mountains, seas, lakes, valleys etc. e.g. Lifeless water = Dead Sea Stuck on the following: Sweet Waterway Pals fall out Illustrated arid area The edge of the country...
Is no. 2 bowling green? Still haven't got 41. A chirpy lot played to get the cards. Is it an anagram of a chirpy lot? (10) 64. Man in Madrid loses his head at the game. Is it Senor although I have...
The Old ----used to sell ----before they went out of fashion. Which two words that are anagrams of one another should complete the blanks in the above sentence.
Would be pleased for some help 15a Fashionable to accept new set turning out work study 8 t???n??? 20a devilish murderer led back by March 8 ???o?i?? 23d late naturalists unfortunate outcome of tax...
Still struggling with a few: 8. Engineer sent in on board for this activity (5,6) I have blank tennis 32 Top Tory wife anxious - and sneering (9) 37 Give mother the opportunity to become a fool (9) 40...
2. Where Kitty can be found in the woods? (7,5) 8. Engineer sent in on board for this activity (5,6) 11. Ladies sport-bag taken to dance (7) 15. Housework to the French is fair game? (4,2) 19. Game of...
1. eyes front (4,4,4.) 2. chilly fingered and not too hot by name. (4,4,4.) 48. full of knowledge. (4,6.) 49. mingle for advantage. (7). hope someone can help me thanks.
Worn above the neck ... (no amount of letters) 18. I'm perfect, everyone knows, though backwards at the start 21. Roast the man Worn below the knee 55. A very large spinning machine 62. Hidden in the...
Answer will be a Cathedral 7. Listen - a bird's eyes Answer will be a hymn 52. BABATSOTM 56. HTPD A suggestion to 56 was Hear The Pennies Drop but that it is usually Pennies Fall. Can anyone think of...