Afternoon ABers, just wanted to share this "naww...!"-ish vid with you. Sis sent it to me knowing I'm a sucker for dogs... and cats... and lions... and wolves... and foxes... and*voice fades and video...
In response to Spare Ed's blog where he/she says they'd be glad to hear from us on Suggs about any features we think the improved version of the site would need I'll venture a rerun of an old...
I don't like eggs in any way, shape or form. Still I'd like to be able to eat them as I'm a vegetarian and I know they've got a lot of what I need. Would be grateful for any ideas on how to camouflage...
I've got a traditional Google Blogger blog (the kind that ends with and I'm using one of their own, standard templates. Thinking about getting a second blog and have fallen in love with...
I need to scan some old photos that are of great sentimental value to me. Once it's done I have to part from them so I want to make sure it's done in the best possible way. Don't have a scanner (and...
Afternoon, animal lovers. I don't have any animals anymore but lov'em and often watch all sorts of animal clips on YouTube. This one featuring the chicken police really intrigued me - is there anyone...
I recently started using Firefox instead of IE. I soon discovered that Firefox wouldn't let me paste links into an email quite as easily as IE had, but once I found the chain-like icon for creating a...
Is there any way one might establish the html colour code of say for instance a background (or whatever) on a web site, short of writing them a letter and ask? I want to know the exact colour, so just...
I knew it, it's the positive iones that are making me lethargic! What's your opinion, is this a con? "Removing particles of dust" sounds a bit too good to be true?
Googling for a conversion calculator I found this one, which looks brilliant enough, but I was wondering if there's anything I should be aware of re differences British/American units, i.e. I'm...
ED. If you're going to lay down the law I suggest you do lay it down - in writing. With your recent actions you have been enforcing rules that aren't even there. "Do as I say, or else..." is not a...
Does anyone have a Fatboy Original ? If so, would you perform a small experiment for me please! Is it possible to mould Fatboy into a 90 degree angle lengthwise, i.e. the way you would "fold" it if...
Ed. Regarding genuine (i.e. non-commercial) polls I suggest you a) explain those standardized answer options that need to be explained, and b) exclude those that aren't feasible anyway. Allow me to...
I shun hydrogenated oils in food like the plague. Recently I've realised there's hydrogenated stuff in cosmetics and perfume as well. When it's declared as such, no problem, I just don't buy it. But...
(Following on from gen2's previous input.) If everybody's profiles were working reliably the no-reply notification emails wouldn't be necessary at all. When you click Subscribed threads and the list...
In the Recent Posts box, top right of page, some question titles are cut off due to their length. It would be practical to be able to see the question titles in their entirety just by hovering over...
The Nobel Prize in Literature will be announced at noon today, Thursday. Last year it was Doris Lessing. Who will it be this year - place your bets please.