Was there ever a real block named thus? I know it's a pi55 take of the lefty london councils in the 70's and 80's but was there really a tendency to name things after African politicians/prisoners?
i.e. After Friday - Weekend No number of letters given or if one or two words. Any help appeciated, thanks in advance 1. Pudding 2. A supplementary push 3. Breed of dog 4. Spanish greeting 5. Respite...
Once you have left a company are your personal details meant to remain confidential? An ex colleague has been trying to get hold of me and eventually rang my parents. The only way they could have got...
Hi guys, I have noticed recently that my skin is getting quite greasy during the day - even when I dont use makeup. I have tried many different face washes and am currently using witch, which has made...
Recently I have been feeling really bloated and constipated on a regular basis. This seems to have happened since I moved into my new house but the only thing that has changed is the water I drink. We...
Has anyone found a replacement for Alphosyl lubricating cream (non HC) which is available off prescription and actually works? My doctor prescribed Betnovate which I am unhappy to use as it is a...
Hi Everyone I am not new to this but I don't add very often!! I am a 30 years old and I have been told that I am not bad looking! I am quite tall (nearly 6 foot) and I think I am a very sociable...
Hello all. I am very shortsighted and am fed up of wearing glasses! >.< I have worn one day disposable contact lenses in the past, but gave it up because my eyes get quite dry and it wasn't very...
I have a laptop and connect via a BT Home Hub. I live in a flat but I seem to lose signal if I am not in the same room as the hub. I thought that the whole point of wireless was that you could access...
I think this message is meant for me but the person (who I have fallen out with!) has annoyingly written it in Dutch! I have tried to put it in a translation site but I think there is some spelling...
Do you think you should read the book or watch the film first. I have just watched The last legion and was very dissapointed after reading the book which I though was brilliant. But if I watched the...
Hi all, I need some help, it's my mum's 50th on 29th of December and I have no clue what to get her. My Dad's getting her jewellery, she doesn't really have any hobbies and it would just be nice to...