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I had a belter yesterday "You are very attractive....for your age"...
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who wants an ode, a chat or a rant?
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Can live, uncooked, mussels be frozen? I've read lots of conflicting views on google. TIA...
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bought a bottle of cherryade for a change yesterday,and it is lovely(sugarfree)whats your favourite .
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When did you first drink alcohol? At what age and under what circumstances? Did you get drunk? Did you continue to drink from that point? What age did you start going to the pub to drink alcohol? I...
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To all Christians, please help me pray for my brother-in-law who is seriously ill in Poole Hospital with something called Vascullitis in the lungs and is not expected to live. His name is Phillip, and...
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I love his show he is the typical Liverpudlian with stacks of humour
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I've got myself into a bit of a rut. I get really tired around this time (usually about 8pm) and usually I just go to bed. That means I wake up at around 2am and then I can't get back to sleep until...
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David H
Nowadays I find after an hour or so I tend to get very tired driving, especially in heavy traffic. Considering I'm only sitting in a chair the whole time why should this happen?
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What are you having for your dinner? I'm only asking because I'm looking for inspiration.
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Hi everyone, When going round a roundabout yesterday my steering wheel suddenly "seized up"and just wouldn't turn. I managed to get round and it seemed to "right itself". However...
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Postie left me a nice little postcard. Someone has posted Baby Planks a letter/parcel with insuficient postage. Royal Mail now holding said item to ransom for the princely sum of £1.12. £1...
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My mum 'asked Jesus into her life' when I was about 12. Since then she hasn't bothered with me. That I can handle but what I'm struggling with is she sees my youngest on a regular basis. He now thinks...
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what have you got? How much was it? I don't want to spend £300 on one but I do have a white cat so I need one that can cope with cat flufffur...

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