Have you ever seen a film that disturbed you (or played on your mind) after viewing it? I know a couple of people who have said that they would never watch The Exorcist again as they found it...
cockroach spray -does it kill instantly ? or do the cockroaches die later by their nests ?I asked because i have sprayedat night in locations where i have spotted them and was wondering whether i...
We've all heard of this - but what is "close by" criteria ? one website said "walking distance" whilst this one says "within easy reach " and "Those living close" eg my nearest Waitrose is 3 miles -or...
On DAB , anyone listen to Premier Praise ? Fantastic christian music channel- best music i have ever heard in over 40 yrs (despite lyrics which contain words such as pain blood , grave, death ,hell...
I was checking Broadband only deal for a friend(i know bundles are more cost effective) -he wants minimum 100mb , looking at comparison sites it seems Virgin Media only offer this??? .Also amazed that...
I got 2 Amex nectar cards for me and wife.My wife received her her pin , but i had to request mine as i didn't receive it. However, when i got my pin it was the same one i use for my Amex reward card....
On most investment funds ,i tend to see buy and sell price as the same , but on a few i have noticed there is a difference. What i want to know is , if i want to buy funds for long term...
A friend of mine says hitch hiking -which was usually done by Trade plate drivers has been banned. Admittedly i haven't seen one hitch hiking for years, but can't find any info.Anyone clarify ?
Soon as I go onto AB ,pages start hanging and freezing.Has happened twice now on seperate days .No other sites are affected.Got fed up and had to use my mobile to post this
Had a new boiler fitted this year and it has had problem from from the onset.It goes into cycle of warm water , a bit of cold and then a bit of boiling hot and then it turns cold the longest .The...
Replaced bearings on washing machine- but have a new problem now , the drum is too forward.The door catches it and it makes a noise(so it is not an unbalanced load problem) .Checked everything and i...
i have a amazon fire smart phone and over the last few months it has stopped charging when using a in car usb 12v and power bars.I have checked the two and other phones charge perfectly.I have changed...
I thought this was a train line running , but can anyone figure out what that gap is
Hope the link works