I cant even go out side on my patio as they are everywhere. Even on my window outside i can see 3 of them.I have sprayed bug killer everywhere but with no luck.I cant go for anything to poisonous as i...
Im getting a new phone tomorrow but i dont know which is the best bettween- Nokia N95 or iphone or the Viewty! I take alot of pictures when im out clubbing so i need the one with the best camera. Does...
Im getting married on the 22nd of dec and brought my wedding dress back in august. Big mistake since i lost my job and have been unactive since. My weight has never been an issue as i was only...
My friend has sent me this txt...... "Finnish this sentence 'Me and you should.......?' I have sent that txt to everyone to see how many crazy answers i get back" Help my minds gone...
Me and my partner are looking to buy a dog. What breeds are the most loyal with the best personality. Im only small so big dogs are out the question. Also any dog names suggestions would be good as i...
I have attempted many times to cook it. It seems to always be soggy on the inside and burn on the outside, even when i reduce the heat right dowwn when i fry it. Can someone tell me what im doing...