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In the UK. to advise on flood prevention ? What will UKIP make of that ??
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Baby P’s mother demands to jump council waiting list for better flat because of HER suffering...
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Can she get a doctor, what are the conditions, she is English ? I know things have changed a lot....
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I have a friend who I do like, although she can be a bit of a snob at times. She is always setting up meetings for coffee, cinema etc etc and very often will then call and say she can't make it for...
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I recieved an email ad from tesco advertising 3 for 2 in our pork range. For a bit of devilment I replied "how dare you I`m jewish" Today i recieved a grovelling apology Should I tell them I was...
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What's your favourite: 1. Roast dinner 2. Cheese 3. Toast topping 4. Foreign food 5. Fragrance 6. British comedy 7. Place in the world??? Mine: Roast chicken Gruyere Peanut butter, banana and honey...
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on the form to receive an Axa payment, but it is with LLoyds Bank. It appears to be 16 numbers. Do I just leave this blank ?...
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Any elderly person who has to do frequent journeys by rail will appreciate the value of Senior Railcards, but did you know you can often buy these cards cheaper by visiting your local council? Not all...
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Had policy with Friends Life (former AXA Sun Life) for 15 years, paying £20/month. Just matured and have been offered £4800. Was promised more but obviously because of the reason below I guess its...
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I have been with them since about 2005 and today I can not log in, it is saying I am entering the wrong details, which is not so. I believe they have been having trouble with certificates ? I am...
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I know it doesn't seem much to most of you, but I am learning little by little. Only thing is the ink was not very dark and I know for a fact there is plenty of ink left in the cartridge, any ideas...
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It has been years since she died, admittedly they had a good relationship, but I find this strange, I just accepted it after grieving when my mother died, we had a difficult relationship. Does that...
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I turn it down and Mr T turns it up. I turn it down and Mr T turns it up. and so it goes..................
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Hi, my husband joined an online mental health forum quite some time ago I has helped him and he has helped others, he made some friendships on line, one of his online friends was visiting our area so...
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This has probably been asked on AB in the past, but should we keep eggs in the 'fridge or not ?
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I am due to have a colonoscopy in a couple of weeks. I have been offered either gas and air or an anaesthetic. Which one should I go for? Any advice would be appreciated. TIA...
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anotheoldgit Nice to see some of our politicians are actually personally welcoming...
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in the UK this year, any ideas where I can go, that is preferably by or near the sea and in the south ish ?
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Does any one know what bus to catch in Portmouth to Bournmouth, times etc ?

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