do you ever get the feeling sometimes when in conversation about general stuff about other countries/religions etc that you dont know as much as you'd like.... well does anyone know a good book to...
yes I know it's a disgusting, filthy habit; but ask any addict who will also say that they enjoy a cigarette - otherwise they wouldn't smoke. Do the new health warnings make any difference to you?...
A line from the War of the Roses , in which Danny De Vito plays a divorce lawyer. Mrs Rose wants to divorce her husband. Mr Rose wants to know why, and asks 'Have you found a boyfriend?' 'No', she...
I am an Answer Bank user and I would like to reply to the people who have post an anser to my questions. Is there any way to do that, other than post the answer to my question?
whenever i drink alcohol(not every time but most,) i come out in red/purple blotches all over my face and body(goes as far down as my shins) and i feel terrible as my face tends to swell up slightly...
Several papers have carried the report this week of some eejit who paid ?125 on ebay for a 6.75-inch long chip. What's the most reckless/pointless/stupid/biggest waste of money you've ever indulged...
If I don't connect a hot water inlet to my washing machine, will it heat the cold water? It has a temperature knob on the front. And I don't have the manual.
So the human body is mostly water.....but what else? Does anyone have the complete make-up table of the body? I am also confused as to how the body stays together if it's mostly water. I'm afraid I'm...