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Had my little fill of AB for now, off to the supermarket to hunt down some yellow tickets :)
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What's the last ( unexpected ) bill you had or pending, that as wobbled your finances / income a little or a lot.
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Can a dam like this one made from clay and earth ever be deemed as safe again, along with the wet weather we have, we also seem to get now, much more prolonged hot weather, that in its self can cause...
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I don't know much about cannabis, apart from it being addictive, as nicotine is, and it can effect people in different ways, and can lead to harder drugs, I know its been discussed on here before,...
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Is it really worth the entrance fee they charge for some of these county shows that tend to be on during summer time. In times gone buy, entertainment was the key, dog show, horse trials, sire horse...
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Its not until the summer/ hot weather is here when people strip off to a degree, that you realise just how many have loads of tattoos, some all over their bodies. It must be a very lucrative business...
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My Kenwood hand held food mixer has broken, it was a wedding present in 1975. Could this be a record?? What have you had for a long time and is still working. Nothing rude thank you.
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For a solo holiday in the UK, own car, £1000 or less budget, all in....
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We seem to have an epidemic of drunks being arrested, and police being stretched to the limit, and very little being done to combat the problem. A lot of these drunks are put up in cells over night,...
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When you look at most cars that are on the road now, lots of electronics, fuel injection, sealed units of all kinds, does it really make any sense paying out £200/ £300 for a so called service....
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After 50 years of having a clean license, I'm pretty sure yesterday I've been done, coming out of a 40mph to a 30mph I was still doing about 34/35 when I saw the police camera van on side of road. Had...
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Apart from the massive signs above each isle of the supermarket shelves telling were to find products. Should there be sat nav fixed to the shopping trolleys to further help you locate the goods you...
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So you need to get from A to B, and the best, and cheapest way is by coach, it will take two hours to reach B, and you have been allocated the inner seat of two, so that puts you in the middle of two...
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You walk into a park, or any public space for that matter, there are two benches, and you would like to sit for a time, the one bench as one person already sitting down. Do you choose the empty bench...
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When some people post, and make a type error, or spelling mistake, as anyone can from time to time, why do you feel the need to then post the correction ? most level headed, and sensible people will...
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Getting a little tired of instant coffee, it seems to be getting weaker no matter what one I try. Thinking of buying a machine that uses freshly ground coffee ( not one that uses these sachets)...
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What' the one everyday item have you found to have a massive price difference from one shop to the other. At one time people used to shop around to save pennies on certain items, but now it runs,...
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So again a boat load of arrests in last nights program, only for all charges to be dropped, in every case the next morning, all but one. Is it a case of the officers doing the interviewing the next...
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I went into some public toilets yesterday in what you would class as a nice area, the inside was minging, you could see there was weeks of filth, needless to say I didn't use them, and came out. But...
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Looking to buy new tyres for car, so on looking at the fuel and breaking performance on the tyres. Is it really worth paying the extra for a top of the range brand that is showing a (B) or (C) rating...

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