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36a, small white patch on muzzle of a horse or pony? 56a, Variety of wheat used in health food products, 25d, size of typewriter letter allowing 12 letters to the inch? Any help would be appreciated,...
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50a. the practice of breeding and rearing birds?
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44a a straight downhill run for high speed skiing? -c-u-s 52d Australian author who wrote 'the ebbing of the tide'? It has taken all weekend to get to this point, please help if you can. Thanks...
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Last few questions foxing us! 4a French neurologist,teacher of Freud and Tourette 15d Ancient Arabian city -m-o- 5d Egyptian deity --u- 29a Celestial body composed of dust and ice -o-e- 16a Ancient...
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Have now run out of reference books!! 97d absence of sense of smell 13d a group of deities 102d german poet K-------K 7a 3 wise men , and lastly 20d a horseman of the apocolypse Many thanks in advance
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where can i holiday(Vacation) in the month of Febuary/March? i would like it to be beside the sea and the temp. should be in the 70s to 80s. i am willing to fly but not more than 6 hours, so the...
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stuck on last two, can anyone help please. Poet and novelist who wrote THE BELL JAR, -L-T-; and system of white magic formerly practised by Neoplatonists. T-E-R-Y. Thanks
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Please help 2 left! 25a latin phrase meaning "actually existing" 46a Novel by Mrs Henry Wood many thanks!
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 Archaic word meaning 80, .I have F?U?S???E
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Daily telegraph General knowledge X word, Strong liquors distilled from fermented molasses or the sap of toddy palms?HELP
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Where is the best place to keep bananas?  I always buy green bananas but wherever I put them, within 2 days they start to go brown. I have tried the lounge, dining room and kitchen to keep them...
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We are travelling to Venezuela in March what injections do we need,also what is the currency?thanks

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