My wife has a sore/painfull/stiff neck (no not caused by me ha ha) does anyone know anything good she can put on it to ease the pain? Also while im here muscle sprain/pull is it better to apply heat...
Just need to know who sang it please, its the popular one were people usually sit on the floor and do the funny floor slapping dance thing to it thanks?
Is there anyone who currently has the 02 pay and go tariff were so as long as you top up with ?10 per month you get 500 texts free to any network. My anniversary date was yesterday and since then i...
I want to download some really cheesey 60 70 80s disco music for my in laws 60th birthday party, i already have in mind tunes like The birdy song, Born to be alive by Patrick Hernandez,...
I dont think im on my own by saying how unimpressed i am by the so called digital revolution. All it takes is a bit of rain and no matter which digital you are using it either breaks up or dissapears...
How the heck can i get them from my pc to the phone? i have the jar file on my pc but when i open the phone through bluetooth i can only get video, pictures and sounds files up, same happens with...
I am led to belive that the doctor can only regenerate 12 times what will happen then, fair enough the series could run and run (judging by the success of the current series) but if Tennant ever calls...
If she is what she eats, what is she. Saw her at some do in the paper the other day, she looked awfull, i know a few people in their mid forties like she is and they dont look half as bad as she does....
What do you think of Dave Spikey as the new host? i reckon hes doing a great job nothings changed except him and he always seems to resist the temptation to do a Bowen catchphrase.