Driving home in swirling fog with only a few metres of visibility with queue of cars following my taillights and just yards behind my bumper, on a clearer stretch several cars overtook and one even...
Please please help. I need advice. I feel so traumatised. I hope I can express myself.. But the short of it, i just found out I am married to a pervert. I have tears streaming down my face. I don’t...
Is it advisable to have volte calls sim1 switched on in mobile network with a Samsung android mobile .it appeared near WiFi symbol top right of my phone. Thank you...
But watching ITV News from Kabul and seeing children queuing for a bowl,of rice from an Afghan charity ,breaks my heart and yet…… The interviewer was taken to a dirty shack where one of the children...
Hello I am elderly and very confused with this phone. My old Xperia Z3 Compact has an opening in the side of phone where the sim card fits however......I have just bought this Xperia Z5 Compact online...
My mother-in-law think she can hear her neighbours talking about her through the walls of her terraced house. She is staying with us to get away from them, but they have now moved in to the elderly...
I am taking screen shots of footage from about 50 episodes of a show but every time the next video starts, it begins to replace all the screenshots from the video before it. its because of the naming...
My fridge was replaced because the back panel was icing up and some contents were badly affected - eg olives in oil congealed, milk very cold etc. Unfortunately, its replacement is the same. It has...
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-59727161 ... apparently. That should open the floodgates to legal vandalism over the whole UK then. Should've realised when authorities started allowing...
the judge just greenlighted it's ok to vandalise, if you don't like a statue or painting just knock it down or rip it up, history is there to be trodden on if it offends you......
When I get a message and I don’t open it straight away, it keeps sending me notifications until I open it which is annoying, how can I stop this please?...
https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1543954/brexit-news-liz-truss-maros-sefcovic-boris-johnson-macron-fishing-northern-ireland-eu ....looks like many remoaners have now accepted the democratic...
It's quite feasible that the Queen could live another 10 years, so I was wondering what comes after platinum. Anyone know? (I did a quick Google but couldn't find the answer)
I Know I should have posted this in Jokes , but I like the news section Bill Roach ....Ken Barlow , In Coronationd St ...has been Given a...... Knighthood . .........................................I...
https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/projects/nhs-in-a-nutshell/nhs-budget in the year of the referendum the NHS budget was £136.9bn in 2020/21 it was £212.1 that's £75.2bn extra, £1.45bn per week. Would you...