Hi all! I was hoping someone more tech savvy than me could help me out! I am self employed and send my invoices out monthly using an excel spreadsheet. Each client has one file with 12 sheets, one for...
Our shop manager takes photos of books that are to be sold online. My job is to crop the pics, value & research and put them on our website so that they can be sold. I hate using the cropping tool...
On a Windows PC, if using an Internet browser to perform a websearch, and spotting a promising 'hit', one can click on it and it acts as one would expect. Obviously if it is a website address, it...
I recently bought a new Samsung Smart TV but there doesn't appear to be an outlet to connect my headphones. There are USB and HDMI ports but no sockets. How do I connect my headphones or will I need...
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6885661/How-Britain-wants-NO-DEAL-Brexit.html If we have to have a second referendum and since the first one voted for out, then the second referendum should...
Hello. So i was talking with a friend on Skype and the icon of this person was active! Now it says "Last seen days ago" What does that mean? Has this person deleted me or blocked me? (I can still see...
Hi - if I have a work mobile number and an iPhone and someone else gets takes over my my work number (not the phone itself or the sim - the number gets transferred) then can they see my texts? Or are...
Hi, my old DVD player had an optical digital audio port, which connected to a similar port on the TV (via optical cable). The new DVD player does not have such a port, but instead a coaxial port. Does...
Does anybody know if everyone in the audience HAS to vote whether they know the answer or not? Or do they have the option to not press their buzzer if they don't know?
Who will be first to 'dismiss' this because it's on Breitbart? https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/02/24/tommy-robinsons-panodrama-exposes-the-bbcs-left-bias/# from where will you gain the facts if...
My tv wont power up .It seems that capacitors can be the cause - but they can be tricky to diagnose .Can anyone tell if they are faulty from this pic ?https://i.postimg.cc/85Bjztyv/capicitors.jpg
When I was growing up in the 1970s, hamburgers were exactly that - burgers of ham. But now, everything is a BEEFburger. I do miss the taste of hamburgers but cannot seem to source them anywhere. Any...
Did anyone see this on channel 4 last night? It was interesting but what I found annoying was the fact that their weight and height was given in kilograms and centimetres. There wasnt even an imperial...
I thought I was pretty familiar with word processing packages on laptops and computers but I've come across a problem with no obvious answer on a Samsung Android tablet. I've installed Office on the...